Inter-provincial Facility Training Accreditation Council

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology has been a Canadian pioneer and leader in promoting energy management training for over 30 years. Seneca College manages the delivery of energy management training services for the Federal Buildings and Energy Innovators Initiatives of the Office of Energy Efficiency through a network of post-secondary community colleges across the country.

In April 1998, Seneca College, the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary, and Marguerite Bourgeoys (French Language) School Board in Montréal signed an agreement to implement the Inter-provincial Facility Training Accreditation Council (IFTAC).

The agreement establishes the three partners as the lead organizations with the participation of 25 post-secondary institutions across Canada. IFTAC will accredit successful trainees in building operations and energy management training with specific emphasis on the validated ability of trainees to design and implement an energy savings project. The program began in the fall of 1998. For more information on IFTAC, contact Mary Dawson at the Energy Training Office of Seneca College at 1-800-572-0712.


1. What is IFTAC?

The Interprovincial Facility Training Accreditation Council(IFTAC)/Conseil d'Accréditation Inter-Provincial de Facilité d'Entrainement(CAIFE) is a partnership of Canadian post-secondary institutions providing Canada-wide academically validated and portable recognition for building operators. For the first time accredited building staff who move from one part of the country to another will carry their recognition with them.

It is allied with the Office of Energy Efficiency of Natural Resources Canada and incorporates an outcome based Energy Management subject in which applicants complete a self-initiated energy savings project in a building. The process supports the goal of lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

It is intended to be the foundation for an international training program to lower greenhouse gas emissions under development with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research(UNITAR).

2. What is it Based On?

Colleges and providers of adult education reviewed the history of building field involvement and support. They agreed that two programs should be the substantive content of a national accreditation process. These are:

3. Who offers this training?

Colleges and providers of adult education offering the substantive content of either program will be able to offer IFTAC/CAIFE recognition to their students. Partner institutions are being confirmed in every Canadian province and will be listed in the near future. For information on the provider near you, contact an IFTAC/CAIFE office.

As well both SAIT and Seneca offer their respective programs through distance learning anywhere in Canada and internationally.

4. Prior Learning Assessment for Other Forms of Training?

Related training offered by other public and private training organizations or workplace experience can be applied to this recognition. Applicants with training that corresponds to either the Building Operator A Program of SAIT or the Building Environmental Systems program should apply to institutions offering one of the two forms of recognized training for credited advance standing recognition within that program. They would then be in a position to apply for IFTAC/CAIFE accreditation.

Applicants with at least ten years experience in the building industry, and with demonstrated participation in an energy savings project, and with related professional training may apply directly to IFTAC/CAIFE for recognition.

5. The Accreditation Structure

(a) Facility Operations IFTAC/CAIFE Accreditation:
Three Pathways are possible (b) Facility Supervisor IFTAC/CAIFE Accreditation:

6. Transfer of Credits

IFTAC/CAIFE accreditation stands outside the requirements of individual programs and their local post-secondary certification. The process is intended to meet a national standard and conform to a foundation level of recognized training. Although a significant overlap of training exists between the BES and Power Engineering IV programs, they both offer unique content and emphasis.

Completion of either BES or Power Engineering does not therefore provide for corresponding academic recognition in the other program with the exception of individual modules or subjects evaluated on a case by case basis.

7. What do I receive?

Qualified applicants receive a bilingual certificate and wallet-sized card for IFTAC/CAIFE recognition of operators and supervisors. This certificate acknowledges the participating post-secondary institutions. It also includes mention on a national Registry of qualified persons, future discounts on training, products, and other services.

8. Data Base Maintenance

The offices of SAIT in Calgary, Alberta and Seneca College in Toronto, Ontario will maintain records of individuals receiving IFTAC/CAIFE recognition. Seneca will provide an office for French language enquiry and action.

9. Recognizing Existing Candidates

Many individuals will already be eligible for this recognition including:

10. Applying for IFTAC Recognition

Where to apply?

In Western Canada Apply to:

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Energy and Natural Resources Department
1301 - 16 Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2M 0L4
Tel: 1-800-661-1268

In Eastern Canada Apply to:

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
Energy Training Office
1750 Finch Ave. E.
Toronto, Ontario
M2J 2X5
Tel: 1-800-572-0712